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tv   wusa 9 News at 5am  CBS  March 3, 2016 5:00am-6:01am EST

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manassas and culpepper. mid- to upper 20s in the shenandoah valley. clouds will increase this morning, thickening up this afternoon into the lower 40s with snow showers developing tonight, and a steadier snow overnight into friday morning. we will talk about how much coming up in a few minutes. right now, larry with time saver traffic. >> traffic is impacted on the southbound side of the vw parkway. the right lane is blocked that the point, it's here. we will show you what we are talking about. traffic getting by on the left hand side of the screen, and the tractor trailer is obviously right there. police are going to be working through the rush shower to get the scene cleared. once we get that information, we will pass it to you. expect slight delays coming from this neck of the woods along the
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back to the maps. i will show you how things are shaping up. route 4, route 5, and 220 clear of any issues. >> thank you, larry. just about 5:02 tonight, and tonight the remaining presidential candidates will take the stage in stage for the debate since the super tuesday. ben carson is expected to suspend his campaign tomorrow. when asked trump did not condemn the actions of one group voting for him. >> you don't want me to condemn a group i don't know anything about. >> reporter: he later clarifies saying he disenbowed david duke. >> another group will hold a conference to talk about
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trump. leaders say he has energized their movement. >> in an interview you will only see on wusa 9. richard spencer talks about what makes him so appealing to the national policy institute. >> just the simple idea of i'm going to get along with putin is a radical and powerful idea because it's a vision of a united white world. >> reporter: spencer says he is voting for trump but will not announce his support for the candidate for strategic reasons. >> reporter: now the southern law poverty center describes him as a suit and tie whitesy supremacy leader. >> reporter: so far 150 people are already registered for this conference and it is really
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groups in and around the district. >> he is fighting for us. he says we will be great again, and there's this impolice it identity to this. >> reporter: this is what the president of the npi had to say about an interview you will only see here. npi was founded in 2005. it's one of the white supremacy groups still going strong. there's several hate groups in and around the dc area with 15 in maryland, 18 in dc, and 32 in virginia. the former kkk leader, david duke recently blamed trump who blamed a lousy ear piece for his response to the endorsement. >> he never said i condemn this. >> reporter: now essentially trump did take to twitter to disembow the support from david
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interviews, but why spencer says he is supporting trump but will not enforce him. he with will talk at growing number of hate groups across the country. i'm mikea turner, wusa 9. >> if you would like to get a closer look at the maps, you can find them on our wusa app. a painful chapter for two families has come to a close. jesse mathew has pled guilty to killing hannah graham and morgan harrington, and he got four life sentences yesterday. >> our overriding priority is that matthew would never again be able to do this to young women. >> the death penalty was taken off the table for matthew. a 19-year-old suspect re
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directly at officers. the standoff started around 5:00 yesterday evening on larksburg driver, and officers responded to a 911 call from the house that someone was firing shots, and they fired at them. eventually the police dogs subdued the suspect and police arrested him. fortunately no officers were hurt in this. he was indicted on federal charges on tuesday and died in a fiery crash yesterday. police in oklahoma are trying to figure out what happened moments before this crash. police say former chesapeake ceo, aubrey mcclendon slammed into a pillar. he had just been indicted the day before. governor hogan has approved a 16.2 million
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it could start later this year. >> i think it's great because the red line is so cool to navigate. >> the silver spring metro station, part of the recently opened transit center and is one of the planned stops on the rail service. a teen that was arrested for impersonating a doctor is back in cuffs this morning. >> ahead, what the new charges are now that he is facing. and a new bus system could make traveling in montgomery county easier. howard? >> we are looking already so far today. as far as the weather wake up call, subjectively from 1-9. it will not be warm enough to be more than that, but it's dry. that's not too bad. increasing clouds this afternoon, and we will talk more about a the thursday forecast on
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and it's 5:09 on this thursday morning. it's cold but quiet. tomorrow morning will be different. snow in the region, especially south and east of town. let's talk about what is happening. clear skies, and high pressure is in control. the clouds are moving in to the areas in out western virginia, and it will move in here to the middle of the day. right now, grab a heavier coat. temperature in the low 20s. laurel 22, and it's 21 in manassas, and we are holding on to 30 here in town due to the warmer waters. look for snow showers with a steady snow overnight tonight into friday morning. more on that and the weekend forecast at 5:19. right now larry with time saver traffic. your fast 5, we are doing well around the beltway. still moving. moderate conditions on 95, primarily to the virginia side. moving along 66 and 50, slow on
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295 with the accident we discussed. i remember that's close to 175, and traffic is actually being diverted off 295, just got the clarification from maryland state police. to our maps now, and we show you how things are shaping up on metro now, and no problems on vre either. we can see what is going on with 295, talking about the accident with the tractor trailer accident. minor injury, but what we have been told, traffic is diverted off 295 at 175, and if you're headed now the that direction, you need to watch out for that. my suggestion is you are getting on 295, and you want to go south of this accident, it's clear from there as you make your way into town. we will keep a close eye on this and how things are shaping up the next time we see you. good news for commuters in montgomery county, the plan that could make some people's plan easier will be
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again today. >> and sitting in traffic stinks. nikki burdine is live. >> reporter: the bus rapid transit program was just introduced a few years ago, but today, it's back in the spotlight. >> reporter: a petition will be handed out, asking for better bus service for the commuters. the program was passed in 2013, and funding is about to expire. ike legi it will propose $11.5 million in county funds that is needed to improve the system. the buss will be different from metro buses, operating in their own lanes, have more frequent service, and stations that are spread farther apart and more accessful boarding for wheelchairs. the money would come from the county's 6-year capital budget and would not require any tax
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increases. ike leggit is in full support. how do the commuters feel about it? when they come out, we will let you know. breaking overnight, a new development into the criminal investigation of the mishandling of private information in the clinton e- mail scandal. >> we will tell you who has been granted immunity inthis, coming up next.
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to old town, alexandria to ask folks some questions about the area. let's go. what common snack was first grown right here in virginia? grapes? peanuts! peanuts! fresh roasted peanuts! (man laughs) peanuts! did that surprise you? that was very surprising! you know what else might surprise you? geico is the number one auto insurer in the d.c. metropolitan area. call or click today to see how much you could save with geico.
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did you enjoy the temperatures in the 60s recently? yeah, that's over for awhile it will be chilly this morning, and grab an extra layer as you head out the door. you need it throughout the day. guess what? a four-letter word starting with s. is in the forecast. can a baltimore officer be forced to testify against other officers in the freddie gray case? the officer in question, william porter. officers want him to testify against the other five suspects in the case. the trials are are on hold until the courts rule on this.
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thief who his hands full, literally. this guy broke into two apartments and helped himself to as much clothing as he could carry away. the break-ins took place on moss on the 4500 block of college avenue. if you can win a name to this face, prince george's county wants to hear from you. and look at this. incredible surveillance video from houston, texas. the dawn burglary at a houston gun shop was fast and furious. the men pull up with a large pickup truck, smash the windows, attack a chain to the doors and yank them off their hinges. ten people rushed in, ran through the store, mashed a row of glass cases with hammers and grabbed handguns by the sack full. an early investigation shows they got away with at least 50 weapons that police fear are now on the street. a south florida teen who was arrested posing as
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has been arrested love. maliki robinson was charged with stealing another person's identification. the teen bonded out of jail in february for practicing without a license, and he's facing charges for cashing stolen checks. breaking overnight, a former state department staffer who set up hillary clinton's private e-mail service has been granted immunity from the justice suspect. it's part of the ongoing investigation of part of the mishandling of the investigation. it's a new development because the staffer envoked his 5th amendment rights before the congressional panel. in a statement the clinton campaign said they are pleased the staffer is cooperating, and they added hillary clinton has been cooperating since last september. >> thank you, nick. it feels cold outside.
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there's a bite in the air and because the winds are lighter, it feels colder. >> the winds are less than 10 miles an hour. the cold is in place, the storm is coming, a weak one, but even in march, we are talking about, what is that s-word? salt? >> no. we may need it tomorrow, but snow is the threat tomorrow. especially south and east of washington. we don't see that too often. more clouds this afternoon. highs in the lower 40s, and again, not too much in the way of wind, thankfully. notice the light wind speeds. we are showing it go south, southwest, 5-10 miles an hour. as far as how much snow, i'm thinking the general 1-2, but see the blue stripe down here? parts of the northern neck 2-4. i want to tell you, this area north and west, i'm thinking a trace to an inch. there could be lower amounts there, and it's
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surfaces, and most roads will be wet, and yes, there's slick spots, especially down south towards tomorrow morning, and the winter weather advisories are been posted for just about everybody, and that's the winter storm watch well off to the south, across parts of the northern neck, and that's south of fredericksburg, and potentially if they get enough snow, it looks like they will get enough it may be a warning, but the weather service reserving judgment on that. the 20s now to about 30s at dc. frederickburg, waldorf. mid- to upper 20s, and in town, it's chilly. 30, feeling like 23 with the north, north westerly wind at 7. we are watching the clouds, and we will be fine through the daylight hours as far as precipitation out here. to west virginia, you may see snow here, and even this evening, it will take awhile for the snow showers to get going. overnight and early friday, and then this thing will pull away,
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other than a lingering flurry, this thing will be over early. with the temperatures tomorrow in the lower 40s, even if we have problems. they will be limited to the early morning hours, and i don't think they will be too widespread. the yellow morning alert for the slick spots with afternoon sun. low 40s today and tomorrow. better over the weekend. a tad milder, chilly on saturday, sunday, on the coolside, 51, and look at next week this is what you have been waiting for by tuesday and wednesday, upper 60s to lower 70s, and springtime is coming. here's larry with the time saver traffic. >> howard, the weather cannot come fast enough. yesterday i ran right back in the house, and it was cold. vre looking good, and ready to head out the door, and we are doing fairly well on 295, and again, just south of where the earlier issue is on 175. from powder
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your way east, a 20 minute commute this morning. northbound on the virginia side, doing well, and volume is still farther south to areas like fredericks road. joplin is a 19 minute commute this morning. an explosion in north carolina levels a home with a couple trapped inside. >> next we will hear from the man who risked his own safety to get the couple out.
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some long-awaited reunions will take place this afternoon. it marks the end of a back-to- back deployment for one company and the seventh deployment since the 9/11 terrorist attacks for the other. right now a story of deep love until the very last minute. a marine who tried to save the lives of a married couple wants everyone to know about their courage and love for each other. brian krouse was driving down the road, and he spotted a house exploding. he jumped out of his car to find a struggling man near the debris. >> i tried to pick him up, and he pushed me away. no, no, and he said my wife, and i said i will get your wife. >> reporter: koch ran
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fire to try to save the man's wife. the couple was rushed to the hospital where they later died, and she came to for a second, asking him to get her husband. >> i want that family to know that lady asked about her husband when she come to, and that man, the only thing he was thinking about was his wife. >> each of them just thinking about each other, an amazing story. he says he would try to do it again because he would want someone to go in and save his family if that were the case. >> wonderful sentiment on all sides. >> so sweet! here's howard. >> it's a quiet, cold morning. temperatures by 9:00 in the low 30s, increasing clouds today, and no real weather problems except the cold. it's tonight when we watch with the snow showers developing this evening. a steadier snow overnight leaving accumulations for friday morning. more coming up. around the beltway, we are doing well
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outer loops, and route 405 and 301 and 210, issue and problem free. here's a live look to show you how things are shaping up over the wilson bridge, traveling to alexandria, you will not find any problems but there are problems on 295. stay with us. much more traffic coming up after the break.
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hate groups in our area, an exclusive interview you will see only on 9 has us looking deeper into controversial
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the prince george's child porn scandal. a lawsuit targets the city and more school employees. we may soon see signs of spring in the nation's capital. and welcome to wusa 9. i'm andrea roane. >> and i'm mike hydeck. here's howard bernstein. it's on the cold side, and at least the winds are not so bad. if you like to exercise outside, much more doable tonight. into friday, winter weather advisories posted for just about everybody until 10:00 a.m. we are expecting snow from the system in the midwest with rain to the south, snow to the north, and we have got the cold air in place, with the high pressure in control this morning, and it will be cold enough tonight for perh
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few inches, especially south and east, maybe less than an inch to the west. temperatures, on the cold side, but the winds are generally light to less than 10 miles an hour, and look for sunshine to start the day. clouds increase, and snow showers will develop tonight with a steadier snow. more on the accumulation totals in a few minutes. we have an issue on metro, expecting the orange, blue, and silver lines. delays possible because of unscheduled track work. bre running on schedule, and metro bus is also running on schedule as well. taking to 295 right now, subpoena, the right lane is blocked here. a live look at the traffic camera showing us how traffic is shaping up. traffic is being diverted at 175, and you want to account for that by
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just south of this you want to continue on your route, making your way into town, going through laurel and into dc that will be your best bet at this point. no indication how long the situation will last, but once we get the all clear, we will pass it to you. >> thank you, larry. is ben carson calling it quits in an aide says he will provide more answers on friday. he addressed a statement yesterday saying he would not be attending the gop debate in michigan, and he sees no path forward to the nomination. >> the remaining candidates will take the stage for the fox's gop debate tonight. it's the first time the moderators and other candidates can talk to trump about his controversial comments about kkk leader david duke. >> i don't even know anything about what you're talking about
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with white supremacy or white supremacists. >> he made the comments over the weekend on cnn. several candidates called his comments unbelievable and horrific, and trump later said he disavowed the leader. comments like this are drawing the white supremacy groups to trump. a protrump event will be held this weekend, and in a special interview you will see only on wusa 9, we asked the leader of that group, is donald trump a white nationalist. >> is he a racially conscious person? i don't know. i think actually no, due in some ways to his age. i think a lot of older americans, they are just white. when they think of america, it's a white country. >> now we are taking a closer look at the hate groups in our area this morning. >> mikea turner is live in front of
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conference where the rally will be happening. >> reporter: many people are asking the same question, is donald trump a white nationalist. i can tell you, i'm live outside of the building now, and when the group comes to town, they will not be the only group that thinks so. the arrival of npi, most labeling the group as a hate group sheds light on the broader presence of hate groups in the u.s. and across the area. the southern poverty law center's website says there's 892 groups across the country, and dc has 18. maryland, 15, and virginia, 32. some of the groups including the kkk. it's important that the donald trump campaign may not even know about the conference taking place here,
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no way connected to his campaign. mikea turner, wusa 9. the prince george's mayor is the latest in the lawsuit involving deonte carraway. he sexually abused one of his victim inside the municipal center, and it says he hit children to get them to perform sex acts. >> a lot of children they clam up and like hold it in because if they are brave enough to say something, they need to at least look into it. >> police have reported a total of 17 young victims. now to breaking news from overnight at the live desk. we have learned dc police arrested a second suspect in connection to a deadly stabbing at bar code. two people were stabbed. one inside of the
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february 1st, and one victim survived, but the other, robinson powell, died at the hospital. now 27-year-old devonte johnson has been arrested and charged with murder. another suspect was picked up 2 weeks ago f you recall, charged with murder one. >> thank you, mike. we are checking on the latest on the zika virus right now. there's 44 cases of the mosquito-borne virus in the u.s. one case is under a health emergency. it is linked to a birth defect that can cause abnormally small heads in babies. the cdc said it could get out of control fast and compared it to another mosquito-borne disease. >> we looked a what happened in puerto rico in 2014. within 8 months, one in four
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adults was infected. if that's followed with zee -- with the zika virus, we could have a problem by the end of the year. >> they want a plan in place before the mosquito season starts until the u.s. a lot of residents are talking about the i-95 interchange project it will be part of a hearing at the loudon county courthouse today. at issue is the government's right to acquire personal property for public use. because of this, some homeowners are concerned they have to give up their homes to build the new ramp. >> talking to your kids about the tough topics can be daunting at times, especially about things like drugs. it can be difficult. >> one school system in our area is letting the kids do the talking. the unique way kids are telling their pears drugs
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the weather wakeup call subjectively from a 1-9 scale, i'm giving today a 6. a little bit on the cold side, and tonight, a little bit of wintery weather to discuss. we will talk
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a cold start, mostly 20s out here this morning. thankfully not too much in the way of wind. tracking clouds, already in the ohio and tennessee valleys moving towards us. arriving midday into the afternoon, and tonight, we will see snow out of the system, and perhaps several inches with the highest threat south and east of town, d
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temperatures range from 20 to leesburg at 28, and rocksville at 27. it's 30 in dc, and a colder 23 in bowie, and even on the bay, north bay at 24. sun in the morning, clouds this afternoon, and temperatures in the low 40s, and snow showers this evening, and they will become steadier overnight into friday morning, and we will talk about how much when i come back at 5:49, and right now, larry with time saver traffic. >> 5:41 your time right now, and we are doing really well on the beltway. doing quiet on the inner and outer loop. the light volume picking up northbound into the springfield interchange. moving along i-66 with the volume far west, and you're doing well along 50, and the volume on 295, associated with the delays with the accident, and it looks like it's starting to clear up. good news there, and we will take the maps right now to show you how things are shaping up on the virginia side. coming from triangle to work
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your way to the springfield interchange no major issues, and we do have the volume that could slow you down, so just watch out for that weather and traffic back on the 9s. back to the desk. >> hackers wanted. >> it may sound keli a bad idea. but they want to hack the government. >> i will explain that later.
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your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet.
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cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. that's why people love it! it's just a -- wholesome show! [ laughter ] >> by the way. i just want to make sure i say i never said -- in front of the kids. >> that makes you a good man. >> you opened up the cursing barrel. >> we will bleep it. >> i know. it's not my first television show. i know you will bleep it. >> do you know how good you are? you are very good at
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talking to people? >> very kind of you. >> i would like to say stephen, you're really -- good at it. [ laughter ] >> good thing for editing. grab an extra layer it's chilly. going from what feels like the middle of spring back into winter this morning. the time line in just a little bit. the pentagon is looking for hackers, not to punish them but to hire them. the defense officials are launching hack the pentagon program in hopes of fixing their cyber issues. they are asking responsible hackers to apply, and once they are screened and approved, they will be allowed to try to breech the systems and get paid for it. the texas state trooper who was indicted for the arrest of a woman who was later found dead in
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fired. the controversial stop with sandra bland was recorded. and she was found dead in her cell, but it was ruled a suicide. it could be a major developments in the search of the missing malaysia airliner. investigators will try to figure out if debris that washed ashore in australia is the missing plane. comforting and providing warmth to animals in need. that's the goal of the organization born free usa, and today volunteers will begin distributing more than 400 furs donated in a local drive that i will be sent to wild life rehab facilities around the country to comfort orphaned and injured baby wildlife. >> if you're a mom or dad, you know it can be difficult to talk to your kids about some topics. no
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opening the kids will talk to each other about drugs, and they hope it could make more of an impact. the frederick county schools are challenging their students to make short videos about the negative effects of drug use. >> cigarettes, and if you don't use them correctly, medicines can all hurt you. >> drugs are probably one of the worst choices you can make in your life. like a car, one wrong turn can wreck your life. >> those are terrific special effects in the videos. about 100 students participated. if you would like to see the videos, all the videos are on our app right now. we prepare ourselves for snow right now, and it's time to talk about cherry blossoms. trees on
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peak during the cherry blossom festival. we do have some cherry blossom trees, other varieties blooming around the station. >> they are pretty. >> it's just 4 weeks away, and this little win the year event we have tonight, and i want to stress little will be short lived because the 7-day forecast, spring is here next week, and we will show you what is happening for today. a cold one, not that windy thankfully, but temperatures starting in the 20s, rising to the lower 40s with increasing in clouds, and the winds going to the south, southeast at 5 to 10 miles an hour. that's a lot better than what we have been seeing. as far as the snow total, a general 1-2 with 2-4 well to the south. southern state mary's, and towards the areas of tapahenick, and this will generally be grassy areas with slick spots, and this red line to th
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watching that, because if the data continues to come in, i will lower that to a trace to an inch. well north and west, you will be farther away from the storm, and still from 10:00 p.m. tonight to 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, the national weather service has a winter advisory for the areas south. that's potentially for the heavier snow. temperatures 20s to 30, and it's a cold morning with 20 in culpepper, and it's 23 in gaithersburg, and we have clear skies now. sunrise, 45 minutes away, and a little color at the moment with the temperature of 30, feeling like 23, and the clouds will increase this afternoon, and here comes the moisture tonight, and it's really going to be spotty this evening, and it's it's steadier. steady, light snow
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friday. yellow weather alert. isolated slick spots, and 42 in the afternoon, and i don't think the slick spots will last that long. over the weekend, warming up. really warm next week it will be beautiful by wednesday, and even tuesday. here's larry with time saver traffic. >> howard, thank you so much. >> everything is rocking and rolling with no delays on marc or vre. it looks like the rails are off to a good start. traveling inbound to 50, making your way into the areas southbound on 295, and progress is being made further north, and we have the tractor trailer accident, and itlooks like the traffic has clear. if you're traveling here, making your way southbound on 295, you will be good to go. starting here another fort mead, working your way into bening road, northeast, northbound on dan
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395, a 13 minute commute. weather and traffic returns at 5:59. we will send it back to the desk. montgomery county executive ike leggit says he has a new plan to get people to work faster. >> reporter: the rapid bus transit program was introduced in 2013, but it's getting a new push ahead. it aims to make traveling in montgomery county easier. today bus riders and county executives will call on the funding for the project. the system would use mostly bus- only lanes to provide frequent service, and the buss are different from metro buses. they will carry 65 to 100 passengers on an 80-mile route in montgomery county. they want to reduce connection on the rockville pyke and route 29 corridors. >> reporter: if you're cout
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of a haake there -- of a headache there can be. this could help to push it forward. some commuters just said it sounds like a great idea, but they are skeptical. hear more from them at 6:00. nikki burdine, wusa 9. we only have two more days left where we are giving away $1,000. wake up washington, giving away a total of $20,000, and this is your chance to win some cash, and it's easy to do. today and tomorrow issue the last days we are giving away $1,000. how fast can you dial your phone? >> we will give you the word of the day, and you need to be the 9th person to call in with the correct word. it's easy. watch and you could win your share of $20,000. he used to host one of the most popular tv shows in the world, but apparently jeremy clarkson is okay after what looks like a very serious crash. he tweeted out a photo of the
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remains of a burned out car. he used to host top gear until a year ago, and now clarkson and his cohosts are filming a new car show for amazon. a tv drama comes to an end tonight. >> you see the same people every day. >> you just get to know them better than you normally would. >> don't recognize these younger-looking glamorous women? they are leslie nickel and phyllis norman who are the cook and the head of the staff. they said they never expected downtown abbey to last 6 seasons, and they are ready to work on new projects. it's been rumored for a long time the band of the foo fighters would be breaking up. >> i didn't realize that,
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tommy mcfly has a statement. >> reporter: it's hilarious when rockers are funny. yesterday they released a video with dave talking to producers going out on his own, and the band talking about replacements like justin bieber or prince, and then they bring up the 98 degrees front man, and this happens. ♪ everything i feel is forever. oh. if anything could ever be this good again ♪ >> and then they completely reenforce that the band is absolutely not breaking up. they are still the foo fighters and still rocking on. no word what happened to nick. maybe he will be the backup singers, i don't know. >> it wasn't as hard hitting with nick doing the lead vocals there. >> maybe another reality show for nick. >> thanks, tommy. some white nationalists are planning a protrump event this
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weekend. >> coming up at 6:00, how the front runner is likely to respond. >> also coming up, we will preview the gop debate as trump faces questions about the kkk. >> are you ready to hop on board? some sleek new buses. the latest plans for the rapid bus transit in montgomery co
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and we do have winter weather advisories going into effect tonight until 10:00 tomorrow morning, and it covers the entire area. if you're south of fredericksburg, a winter storm watch has been posted because you could get enough snow that you have to go to a warning there. we have clouds to the ohio and tennessee valley. notice the snow and rain? that's a system that will be arriving after dark tonight. the high pressure is in control now, and it's a quiet morning. temperatures in the 20s, and 19 in manassas. look for sunshine this morning. increasing clouds today, low 40s, and snow showers developing later tonight. larry? >> sky 9 is rushing to an accident on route 80 near i- 270. it's out in urbana. once we get the live shot, we will bring it to you. limited information about the details of the accident. a live look from the traffic land camera showing us how things are shaping up this is 175. it looks like all lanes of
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our metro commuters have delays on the orange, blue, and silver line because of unscheduled track work. add a few extra minutes to your morning commute if you can. as for the news, it starts thousand. -- it starts now. grab an extra layer, you will need it. good morning washington. >> right now at 6:00 a.m., donald trump's hate problem. only on 9 why one local nationalist group says trump's campaign is adding energy to their cause. >> and ground control to scott kelly overnight. the american astronaut is back on u.s. soil. we will hear from him. a cold start to thursday, and we are tracking the potential for snow. wake up washington at 6:00 a.m. starts now. we start with campaign 2016, the last four gop presidential candidates still in the race will debate tonight in detroit, and it's the first time they will be


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